There's one thing in this world which isn't
ever cheap. That's a coffin. There's one thing in this world which a person
don't ever try to jew you down on. That's a coffin. There's one thing in
this world which a person don't say-- 'I'll look around a little, and if
I find I can't do better I'll come back and take it.' That's a coffin. There's
one thing in this world which a person won't take in pine if he can go walnut;
and won't take in walnut if he can go mahogany; and won't take in mahogany
if he can go an iron casket with silver door-plate and bronze handles. That's
a coffin. And there's one thing in this world which you don't have to worry
around after a person to get him to pay for. And that's a coffin. Undertaking?--why
it's the dead-surest business in Christendom, and the nobbiest. - Life on the Mississippi |
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