The black savage whom the Boer has driven out was brimming over with good nature and comradeship and friendliness, and he was the cheeriest soul, and had the easiest life in the world: and it was always on tap and ready. He went naked; he was dirty; he housed himself like a cow; he was indolent; he worshipped a fetich; he was a savage, and all his customs were savage; but he had a sunny spirit, and at bottom a good disposition. He was replaced by the Boer, a white savage, who is dirty; houses himself
like a cow; is indolent; worships a fetich; is grim, serious, solemn,
and is always diligently fitting himself for heaven, probably suspecting
that they couldn't stand him in the other place. |
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First catch your Boer, then kick him.
- Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar (Following the Equator, ch. 67)
A sordid & criminal war, & in everyway shameful & excuseless. Every
day I write (in my head) bitter magazine articles about it, but I have to stop
with that. For England must not fall: it would mean an inundation of Russina
& German political degradations which would envelop the globe & steep
it in a sort of Middle-Age night & slavery which would last till Christ
comes again -- which I hope he will not do; he made trouble enough before. Even
wrong -- & she is wrong -- England must be upheld.
- Letter to William Dean Howells, 25 January 1900
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