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The New York Times, May 14, 1924


Nine Men and One Woman Further Honored at Ceremonies at New York University.


Tributes Paid to Adams, Brooks, Clemens, Eads, Cooper, Jefferson, Alice Palmer and Others.

Ten of the immortals in the Hall of Fame were further honored yesterday when the busts of nine men and one woman, leaders in statesmanship, in science, in letters, in medicine, in education and in religion, were presented and unveiled with impressive ceremonies at New York University. Descendants, in several cases, unveiled the busts, and men of eminence in the branches in which they excelled told why they merited places among the immortals.

The ceremonies were held in a large marquee pitched on the lawn outside the Hall of Fame, and those who were honored were John Adams, President of the United States; Bishop Phillips Brooks, Samuel L. Clemens, James Buchanan Eads, engineer; Peter Cooper, also an engineer and founder of Cooper Union; Joseph Henry, Alice Freeman Palmer, who at the age of 26 was President of Wellesley College; Andrew Jackson, soldier and statesman; Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, and Dr. W. T. G. Morton, pioneer in anesthesia. Their busts, wrought in bronze, hidden at first from view by enfolding American flags, were placed in a colonnade of whitened classic pillars and were unveiled in turn. Dr. Robert Underwood Johnson, poet and editor, director of the Hall of Fame, presided, and Dr. Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Chancellor of the university, stood beside him.

An active participant in the ceremonies was Thomas A. Edison, who caused some amusement at first by moving whenever photographers had him in focus, but he would not let them "snap" him until it fell to him to unveil the bust of Joseph Henry. Then he stood still for a moment and the troubles of the photographers were over.

Procession Opens Ceremonies.

The ceremonies opened with a procession of the Faculty of the university and invited guests which formed in the rotunda of the library, and, led by four women trumpeters in classic attire and carrying a colorful array of flags, passed slowly through the open corridor of the Hall of Fame, past the busts already there. The audience of nearly 500 persons rose when the trumpeters led the way into the marquee.

Then one by one the busts were unveiled. First came John Adams, and another John Adams, the great-great-grandson of the first, unveiled the bust, but not before Dr. Johnson said that in the selections to the Hall of Fame there was no room for race, sex, religious or political opinion.

"The Hall of Fame," he said, "is not a calendar of saints but of human beings, each of whom presents some fine equation of greatness. It is not too much to say that the names here recorded and those to be added will be for all time the pride and inspiration of the American people."

The address on John Adams was by William M. Sloane, President of the Academy of Arts and Letters. He said Adams had been justly designated as a "self-made aristocrat,' and that he exhibited "a towering moral courage in successfully defending British soldiers charged with murder in the Boston massacre at a time when public opinion was dangerously inflamed."

The bust of Phillips Brooks was by Daniel Chester French and was the gift of Trinity Church, Boston, members of whose vestry attended. It was unveiled by Miss Josephine Brooks, a niece.

Mark Twain's Daughter There.

Mrs. Ossip Gabrilowitsch, daughter of Samuel L. Clemens, unveiled the bust of Mark Twain. Miss Agnes Repplier made the address. She said Mark Twain had been aptly described as America's great laughing philosopher, but that his hatred of sham raised him to the status of moralist.

Governor Arthur M. Hyde of Missouri and Bainbridge Colby, President of the Missouri Society, were in the delegation that escorted James Eads Switzer, a grandson, to unveil the bust of James Buchanan Eads, and Dr. George F. Swain, Professor of Civil Engineering at Harvard University, made the address.

The bust of Peter Cooper, the work of Chester Beach, was presented in behalf of graduates of Cooper Union, and was unveiled by Miss Edith Cram, a great-great-granddaughter. R. Fulton Cutting made the address.

A delegation of Barnard girls escorted Professor George H. Palmer of Harvard University to unveil the bust of his wife, Alice Freeman Palmer. The address was by Dr. James A. Angell, President of Yale University.

Members of the Ladies' Hermitage Association of Nashville, Tenn., unveiled the bust of Andrew Jackson, which was presented by the Association. Albert Marble Jackson, a great-grandson, unveiled the memorial, and Norman H. Davis, former Acting Secretary of State, spoke.

The bust of Thomas Jefferson was unveiled by Mrs. Francis O. Barton, a great-great-granddaughter, and was provided through subscriptions raised by The New York World. Dr. Edwin A. Alderman, President of the University of Virginia, which Jefferson founded, spoke of him as the first great philosopher and intelligent radical in American life.

The bust of Dr. William T. G. Morton, anesthetist, was unveiled by Bowditch Morton, a grandson. Dr. William W. Keen, a former President of the American Surgical Association, made the address.

Thomas A. Edison unveiled the bust of Joseph Henry, electrical engineer, and Frank B. Jewett, a former President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, made the address.

The busts will be placed on their pedestals in the Hall of Fame today.

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