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The New York Times, February 19, 1911

Memorial to His Daughter Jean Formally Opened at Redding, Conn.

REDDING, Conn., Feb. 18. - The Mark Twain Library, built as a memorial to Miss Jean L. Clemens, daughter of the humorist, who was drowned in a bathtub in her father's home, Stormfield, on Dec. 24, 1909, was formally dedicated this afternoon. Addresses were made by the Rev. Joseph H. Twichell of Hartford and the Rev. Frederick Winslow Adams of Schenectady, N. Y.

The money for the erection of the building was given by Mr. Clemens a few days before his death, to the trustees of the library, which he founded in 1908. the building is of colonial design, one story in height and contains part of the collection of books that formerly constituted the private library of the humorist, and some rare pictures from Stormfield.

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