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The New York Times, February 8, 1911

Several Are Withdrawn, One Being His Attack on Theodore Roosevelt.

The sale of the Mark Twain books and manuscripts was begun yesterday at Anderson's auction rooms. The manuscript of the "Article on the inauguration of President Taft and the deliverance of the country from Mr. Roosevelt," two pages, dated March 6, (1908,) containing much abuse of the ex-President, was withdrawn, it being explained that it had been sent to the auction without the knowledge of Mr. Clemens's literary executor, Albert Bigelow Paine. There were also withdrawn, with similar explanation, a copy of George Ticknor's Life, Letters, and Journals, containing a criticism of President Grant and his cabinet, and a copy of the "Songs of Yale," with a note attacking Joseph Howard, Jr.

Of the items sold, the highest price, $790, was paid for the autograph manuscript of "A Double-Barrelled Detective Story," written on one side of 126 leaves and signed in full at the end. Six other Mark Twain manuscripts sold as follows: "How the Chimney Sweep got the Ear of the Emperor," 26 leaves, signed in full, $185; "Extracts from Adam's Diary," 26 leaves, at the beginning, in pencil, "Published (don't remember when) S.L.C.," $180; "The Death Disk," 37 leaves, in pencil, unsigned, $107.50; "Outline, or Notes, for a portion of the story of 'Huckleberry Finn,' which relates to the fight in the cave," one page 8vo., written pencil, $23; "Printing Estimate of the Cost of Certain Newspaper Work," $16, and title page for the cover of appendix to "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court," $20.

Mark Twain's copy of "The Heavenly Twins," by Sarah Grand, with penciled autograph notes by him throughout the work, brought $55; "Audubon's Birds of America," 1860, 1870, $85; the choice humorous works of Mark Twain, 12mo. London, 1874, with "Mark Twain" on flyleaf, and numerous notes by him, $40; Adam's Tagebuch, und Andere Geschichten, von Mark Twain, 12mo, Stuttgart, 1901, presentation copy from him to his wife, Nov. 30, 1901, $40; "What Is Man?" only 250 copies privately printed by Mr. Clemens for distribution among his friends, the second copy to be offered at public auction, $55; C. F. Gordon Cumming's "In the Himalayas and on the Indian Plains," with hundred of marginal notes by Mark Twain, $35; "Our Wild Indians," by Richard Irving Dodge, with numerous marginal notes by Mark Twain, in one of which he compares the Indians' Great Spirit with the Christians' God, $25; S. T. Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," illustrated by Gustave Dore, presentation copy from Mark Twain to his wife, Nov. 27, 1876, $37; J. R. Green's "Short History of the English People," with humorous and critical comments by Mark Twain, 416; presentation copy from Joel Chandler Harris of "Free Joe and Other Georgia Sketches," $10.50; "The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard," by Anatole France, translated by Lafcadio Hearn, with Mark Twain comments, $21; Mark Twain's tobacco box, containing about a pound of lose tobacco, $31; David Hume's History of England, with numerous marked paragraphs, from which it would seem that here Mark Twain gathered some of his facts for "The Prince and the Pauper," $15.50; a copy of the "History and Antiquities of the City of York," (England,) 1785, with many characteristic Twain comments, such as "Edward's son was the first nobleman that was ever beheaded in England - started the fashion," $10; a copy of the first edition of "What I Know About Farming," with the inscription "To Mark Twain, Esq. Ed. Buffalo Express, who knows even less of my farming than does Horace Greely, N. York," $22; "Triumphant Democracy," with inscription "S. L. Clemens, Esq., with regards of his fellow-Republican, Andrew Carnegie," $11, and "Dollars and Sense, or How to Get On," presentation copy "To Samuel L. Clemens, Esq., (Mark Twain,) with kind regards of P. T. Barnum," Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 16, 1890, $9.50. The total for the day was $2,715.

The sale will be continued today

Related article: The New York Times, February 7, 1911 - "THE HEAVENLY TWINS"

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