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The New York Times, December 7, 1910

Mark Twain's Family.

To the Editor of The New York Times:

Mr. W. J. Lampton, who claims to be a second cousin of Mark Twain, judging from his letter in today's TIMES, seems to be somewhat misinformed in regard to the family. Besides Mark Twain's daughter and granddaughter, now living in Europe, he left a niece, Miss Annie Moffett Webster; a grandniece, Miss Jean Webster (the author); a grandnephew, Mr. Samuel C. Webster, all living in this city, and a grandnephew, Mr. William L. Webster of London, England; also a grandniece and nephew, Miss Anita Moffett and Master Clement Moffett, living at Mount Vernon, N. Y. - children of the late Samuel E. Moffett of Collier's Weekly. Mrs. Webster as a child was brought up in the same house with Samuel Clemens, who, during his Mississippi pilot days, made his home with his married sister, Mrs. Pamela Moffett, in St. Louis. She is the only member of the family now left who was associated with him in his early days. I do not know, but I should suppose that all five of these nieces and nephews, living in or around New York, were present at the memorial meeting in Carnegie Hall.

New York, Dec. 4, 1910.

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