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The New York Times, May 4, 1910

Leaves Everything to His Daughter, Mrs. Gabrilowitsch.

REDDING, Conn., May 8. - Under the will of Mark Twain, filed for probate at Redding today, all his property, save 5 percent in ready cash, is bequeathed in trust to his only daughter, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch. The 5 percent cash is given to her outright. Arrangements are made for quarterly payments of interest to Mrs. Gabrilowitsch by the trustees.

Mr. Clemens remarked in his will that he took this method of bequeathing his estate to his daughter in order to leave the property "free from any control or interference from any husband she may have."

The home, Stormfield, is valued at $30,000, and there is thought to be about $150,000 on deposit in banks. No estimate has been made of the literary assets, but they will be ascertained by the trustees of the will later in the week.

The will was dated Aug. 17, 1909, and covers eight typewritten pages. It was drawn in Redding and witnessed by Mr. Clemens's secretary, Albert Bigelow Paine, Harry Lounsbury, Superintendent of Mr. Clemens's estate, and Charles G. Sark of New York. The will appoints Jarvis Langdon of Elmira, N. Y.; Zohet S. Freeman, and Edward E. Loomis of New York as trustees and executors.

When the will was drawn, a second daughter, Jean Clemens, was alive, and by the terms of the will each daughter is to receive 5 per cent of all money on deposit in the bank at once, the residue of the estate to be divided equally and invested by the trustees and the income paid quarterly to the heirs. In case of the death of either heir without leaving issue or will, the whole estate is to go to the next of kin. In case there is issue and no will the estate is to go to that issue.

The heirs are given the privilege of disposing of their shares by will as they may see fit. In case both heirs to estate die without issue or will, the estate is to go to the next of kin.

The will further says that his daughter Clara and his biographer, Mr. Paine, know his desires as to his literary assets, and directs that the trustees be guided by them in their disposal. No bonds are required of the trustees.

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