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The New York Times, June 11, 1909

Wrote One, He Says, Crediting Author and Publisher of Borrowed Matter.

Special to The New York Times.

BALTIMORE, Md., June 10. - Referring to the charges of plagiarism, in connection with his book, "Is Shakespeare Dead?" Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) today said:

"In writing my book I took the liberty of using large extracts from Mr. Greenwood's book 'The Shakespeare Problem Restated.' I made use of the extracts because of the great admiration which I have for that book, and with the full permission of the publishers. I added a foot note in which I gave full credit to both author and publishers. The book was put through the press in great haste, and somewhere, nobody seems to know where, the foot note was lost, probably in the composing room. That is the sum and substance of the whole story.

"But of course the John Lane Publishing Company of England, the publishers of Mr. Greenwood's book are good advertisers. Now, one of Mark Twain's book, so they tell me, is considered worth while reading. I know, at any rate, that my books have always sold well. But to have a man like Mark Twain steal portions from another man's book makes that book something extraordinary.

"Messrs. Lane are well aware of this fact, and it is to be regretted that a mistake in the mechanical department of another publishing house should be made much of to accuse falsely one who has already won fame in the literary world and to put in a false light another who is the most modest and retiring of men."

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