Mark Twain's Daughter Heard at Recital with Miss Littlehales.
Miss Clara Clemens, contralto, daughter of Mark Twain, and Miss LIllian Littlehales, cellist, gave a recital at Mendelssohn Hall last night. Miss Clemens sang songs by Haendel, Scarlotti, Coldara, Schubert, Schumann, Strauss, Gabrilowitsch, Debussy, Tirindelli, Sjorgen, Bath, White, Chadwick, and Vannuccini, and Miss Littlehales played a sonata by Johann Ernst Gailliard and the obligato to Vannuccini's "La Visione," which Miss Clemens sang.
It seems a pity that a singer with as good a natural voice as that of Miss Clemens, who sings with so much feeling, should not use her voice to better advantage. Her tones last night were too often uneven and muffled.
Miss Littlehales showed in her playing good technique and true feeling. The audience was moderately enthusiastic.
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