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The New York Times, July 1, 1908

Notable Speakers at Opening of Poet's Home as Museum.

PORTSMOUTH, N. H., June 30. - A large gathering of distinguished persons, representatives of many walks of life, came to this city today to do honor to the memory of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, the poet, by assisting in the exercises held in connection with the dedication and opening of the poet's former home as a memorial museum.

Mayor Wallace Hackett of Portsmouth, President of the Thomas Bailey Aldrich Memorial Association, presided over the exercises, which had been arranged under the direction of Major Talbot Aldrich, son of the poet.

Prominent among those who took part in the literary exercises were Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr., of Massachusetts, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Richard Watson Gilder, and Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain") of New York, and Thomas Nelson Page of Washington, D. C., fellow authors and friends of Mr. Aldrich.

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