Mark Twain, Dr. Butler, Edison, and Sir Purdon Clarke to be Singer's Guests.
There will be a veritable herd of social lions at Sherry's to-night, when Mme. Nordica gives her musicale for more than 400 guests. She has engaged the entire second floor suite for the occasion.
Among the celebrities in various walks of life, who have accepted invitations are Mark Twain, Thomas A. Edison, Richard Watson Gilder, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Gustav Mahler, James Russel Soley, Karl Muck, Mme. Eames, Mme. Homer, Mme. Sembrich, George Munzig, Clyde Fitch, Frederick Townsend Martin, Sir Purdon Clarke, and Brander Matthews.
Society will be represented by Mrs. Styvesant Fish, Mrs. Cornelius Venderbilt, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. George Jay Gould, Mrs. Ogden Mills, Mrs. Orme Wilson, Mrs. Henry Clews, Mrs. Reginald C. Vanderbilt, and Mrs. I. Townsend Burden.