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The New York Times, July 10, 1907

Guest at the Famous Table - Liverpool to Honor Him.

LONDON, July 9. - The staff of Punch entertained Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) at dinner tonight. The guests sat down at the famous dining room table, which is carved all over with the initials of generations of the most famous British writers.

A pleasing incident of the evening was the presentation to Mr. Clemens, by little girls, of the framed original of a cartoon which recently appeared in Punch, in which Punch is portrayed offering a toast to Mr. Clemens.

Mr. Clemens was the guest at luncheon at the House of Commons this afternoon of Sir Benjamin Stone, member of the House for East Birmingham. Among those present were A. J. Balfour and Baron Komura, Japanese Ambassador to Great Britain.

Mr. Clemens will leave here tomorrow for Liverpool, where he will be the guest of the Lord Mayor.

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