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The New York Times, March 5, 1907

[This article has been edited to include only the portion relevant to Mark Twain.]

Thousands Cheer Champion of Russia's Downtrodden at Carnegie Hall.
Speaker Fears a Big Upheaval Soon -- Dr. Abbott Speaks for a Protest.

In the name of Russian freedom 3,000 people met in Carnegie Hall last night. At the end of two hours and a half of oratory there was little doubt in their minds why the peasant members of the late Duma chose Alexis Aladin as their leader in the fight made for a recognition of the people's rights. For Aladin, peasant though he is, self-educated in a Russian prison, had made a speech that brought the cheering audience to its feet.

Aladin spoke for an immediate constituency of 1,500,000 people whom he represented in the Duma, but in a broader sense he spoke for the millions of his fellow-countrymen who are looking forward into the political uncertainties of the next few months, praying, as Aladin said he was last night, that some providential thing may happen to bring the Government of the Czar to its senses. . . .

America's Duty to Protest.

The Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbot presided at last night's meeting, and on the stage and in the boxes were many well-known New Yorkers, among them Samuel L. Clemens, Issac N. Seligman, William H. Maxwell, Jacob H. Schiff, J. M. Price, Bishop Coadjutor Greer, St. Clair McKelway, Cyrus Sulzberger, R. A. Seligman, Alton B. Parker, Oswald G. Villair, the Rev. Percy S. Grant, E. R. L. Gould, Horace Deming, Chauncey Stillman, Robert Underwood Johnson, William D. Howland, Louis Marshall, and Howard S. Gans.

. . .

The meeting adopted the sense of the resolutions presented in Congress yesterday by Representative Bennett of New York calling upon Congress to protest against the perverted use of governmental functions. The resolutions were signed by the following:

New York: Dr. Lyman Abbott, Dr. Felix Adler, Samuel L. Clemens, R. Fulton Cutting, A. S. Frissell, E. R. L. Gould, Justice Samuel Greenbaum, George Kennan, Bishop Henry C. Potter, Jacob H. Schiff, Wm., Jay Schieffelin, Charles Stewart Smith.

Boston: Rev. Charles G. Ames, Louis D. Brandeis, Edward Clement, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, Joseph Lee.

Philadelphia: Bishop Whitaker, S. Innes Forbes.

Pittsburg: H. D. W. English, F. R. Babcock, Julian Kennedy, Judge Josiah Cohen, Dr. J. C. Lange, Chancellor W. J. Holland, Rev. S. Edwards Young, Rev. J. Leonard Levy, Rt. Rev. Bishop Regis Canevin, A. Leo Well, Senator Wm. S. Woods, Prof. J. A. Brashear.

Mr. Aladyn and Mr. Tchaykovsky will lecture to-night at the City Club on conditions in Russia.


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