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The New York Times, May 7, 1906

Recovered from Bronchitis and Takes a Walk in Fifth Avenue

Mark Twain walked out on Fifth Avenue yesterday for the first time since April 27. His confinement to his home at 21 Fifth Avenue was caused by an attack of bronchitis. He was taken ill the day before he had intended to leave New York for Dublin, N.H., where he will spend the Summer. Mr. Clemens, however, expects to be well enough to make the journey to Dublin within a few days.

The humorist has had a strenuous Winter, attending meetings and dinners and giving lectures, and it is thought that this work brought on his illness. "But he has thoroughly enjoyed his Winter's labors," said his secretary yesterday afternoon.

At Dublin this Summer Mr. Clemens will devote the morning hours to literary work, and in the afternoons he will recuperate his strength, with the assistance of White Mountain air and scenery. He spent last Summer at Dublin, where he found the air so invigorating that he determined to return there again this Summer.

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