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The New York Times, April 19, 1906

"Student" Suffers First Defeat of the Tournament.
Cutler Disposes of Cure in the Early Game After a Close Contest, 500 to 439.

[This article has been edited to include only the portion most relevant to Mark Twain.]

George F. Slosson, the leader of the international billiard tournament, went down to defeat last night for the first time before the superior play of George Sutton. There was no repetition of the wonderful nursing by the victor which he had shown the previous night, but he played a sterling game nevertheless, average 22 16-22 and running 80 in his best inning. His victory was easy, 500 to 271, and at no time after the tenth inning was Slosson in the race. A great crowd gathered in the concert hall of the Madison Square Garden expecting to see Sutton repeat his record average and runs of the night before. They were disappointed in this respect, but he played brilliantly at times. The result makes the ultimate outcome of the tourney very doubtful.
In a courageous finish Albert G. Cutler, the Boston ex-amateur, won the matinee game after Louis Cure, the Frenchman, had it within his grasp. The score was 500 points to 439, and the winner's average was 17 7-29. Mark Twain witnessed the contest from his usual seat at one side of the table. He laughed heartily as the French billiardist rubbed along the carroms for fair-sized runs at the beginning until he had obtained a lead of 270 to 193 at the end of the thirteenth inning by cleverly executed ball-to-ball billiards.

The American humorist foresaw the end, however, as he explained to those sitting near him. When once Cutler attained perfect control of the ivories on his short table system similar to the method pursued by Sutton on the previous night, the Bostonian speedily overhauled Cure, passing into the lead with a prettily accumulated cluster of 32 on his twenty-fourth turn at the table. Cutler backed this with 40, and the Frenchman endeavored to retaliate, as the score was 447 to 392 against him. His stroke had deserted him at this critical stage, and he found all of the holes around the balls, Cutler experiencing no difficulty up to the end of his string.
In order to avoid a repetition of $15 being charged for $3 seats by the speculators, as was the case at the Slosson-Hoppe match last Saturday night, the sale of seats for the final matches of the tournament will begin this afternoon. It is now certain that there will be ties to be played off and these will be decided at evening sessions next week.

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