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The New York Times, October 26, 1905

Mark Twain and Other Literary Men In Independent List.

It was announced at the Ivins headquarters yesterday that these independents have signified their intention of working for the election Mr. Ivins and voting for him:

Gustav H. Schwab, Everett P. Wheeler, Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain,) Seth Low, Lyman Abbott, Carl Schurz, Brander Matthews, Cephas Brainerd, Richard W. Gilder, Albert Shaw, Henry Hentz, F. M. Hurlbut, C. H. Hackett, Robert U. Johnson, Frank H. Scott, George H. Hazen, Wm. H. McElroy, Wm. B. Howland, Chas. F. Chichester, W. F. Clarke, E. D. Faulkner, Charles de Kay, Clarence C. Buel, Arthur R. Wilson, Franklin H. Wilson, Theo L. De Vinne, J. H. Taylor.

[A later newstory revealed that Ivins, a Republican mayorial candidate lost.]

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