Appeal of the Prominent Men Who Are for the District Attorney.
District Attorney Jerome's campaign for re-election may be said to have had its real beginning last night when 50,000 petitions were sent out from his headquarters in the Gilsey House asking voters, irrespective of their political faith, to sign the petitions for his nomination. The petition sent out last night was got up by some of the most prominent business and professional men of the city, who have designated themselves as "The Jerome Nominators." Here is the appeal and the signatories:
District Attorney Jerome, whose term of office expires this year, has announced that he will seek a re-election to the office of District Attorney of New York County, and has declared that he desires to be nominated by a petition of citizens irrespective of their political faith so that, should he be elected, he may be entirely free in the discharge of his duty from every obligation to any political party or group of politicians.
For four years Mr. Jerome has rendered honest and highly efficient service in the office of District Attorney, and we believe it to be most important for the people of this county that he should be re-elected to that office and that, in the first instance, he should be nominated by the petition of citizens irrespective of political parties.
We have ourselves signed a petition for that purpose, and we inclose a blank form which we urge you to have executed at once by yourself and others, and return to 'William R. Corwine, Room 11, Gilsey House, Broadway and Twenty-ninth Street, New York City, as it is desired to file the petition at the earliest possible date. Should it not be convenient for you to go before a notary, one will be sent to you if you will notify Mr. Corwine, who will also forward to you additional blank petitions if you can use them.
This being an independent movement it must be supported by the contributions of individuals.
Contributions may be sent to William R. Corwine, as Treasurer, at above address, who will acknowledge the same. Respectfully yours,
[Petition is signed by] Edwin D. Adams, E. W. Bloomingdale, Samuel W. Bowne [Browne ?], Charles S. Browne, Edward L. Burlingame, John G. Carlisle, George C. Clarke, William N. Clark, Samuel L. Clemens, Richard Delafield, Richard W. Gilder, The Rev. C. L. Goodell, Corcellus H. Hackett, W. S. Hawke, Wm. B. Hornblower, Charles E. Hughes, John T. Ijams, Charles M. Jesup, William F. King, Lee Kohns, The Rev. R. S. MacArthur, Samuel S. McClure, The Rev. F. de Sola Mendes, John G. Milburn, Edward D. Page, Dr. Wm. M. Polk, George H. Putnam, Wm. Jay Schieffelin, Arthur H. Scribner, Isaac N. Seligman, James Speyer, Charles Spielmann, Francis L. Stetson, Oscar S. Straus, Wm. J. Van Pelt, John R. Van Wormer, George Fred Vietor, Isaac Wallach, Wm. E. Webb, Clarence Whitman, Petera [?] B. Worrall
Mr. Jerome's headquarters last night presented a scene of great activity. Mr. Jerome was there for several hours, and men entered by the scores to assure him of their enthusiastic support, no matter whether he received a party nomination or not. Petitions were ready for all visitors to sign who signified their desire to do so, as nearly every one who came in did.
Mr. Jerome declared that it was his purpose to get as many names to his petitions as possible for the moral effect that a large number of signatures would have. He will not file more than 4,000 to 5,000 with the Bureau of Elections. The law requires only 2,000 signatures to nominate by petition, but Mr. Jerome will be on the safe side.
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