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The New York Times, May 15, 1905

Wouldn't Break Railway Officials' Necks - Only Legs.
Miss Sinsheimer Was Hurt in Newark Grade-Crossing disaster -
Humorist Sends Her a Book.

Special to The New York Times.

NEWARK, N.J., May 14. - Mark Twain has written a sympathetic letter to Miss Madeline Sinsheimer of this city, who is an invalid as the result of the Clifton Avenue grade crossing accident of more than two years ago, in which nine pupils of the Newark High School lost their lives. The letter is as follows:

"Dear Miss Madeline: Your good and admiring and affectionate brother has told me your sorrowful share in the trolley disaster which brought unaccustomed tears to millions of eyes and fierce resentment against those whose criminal indifference to their responsibilities caused it; and the reminder has brought back to me a pang of that bygone time.

"I wish I could take you sound and whole out of your bed and break the legs of those officials and put them in it- to stay there. In my spirit I am merciful, and would not break the necks and backs also, as some who have no feeling.

"It is your brother who permits me to write you this line, and so it is not an intrusion, you see.

"May you get well, and soon.

"S. L. Clemens."

Mr. Clemens also inscribed this characteristic line in one of his books which he sent to the sufferer:

"One of the most remarkable differences between a lie and a cat is that the cat has only nine lives.

"Truly yours,


Miss Sinsheimer will never fully recover from the effects of her injuries, and was removed Thursday from her home, 254 Fairmount Avenue, to the Orthopedic Hospital in Philadelphia.

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