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The New York Times, August 2, 1904

Saddle Horse Struck by Trolley Car and Killed at Pittsfield.
Special to The New York Times.

PITTSFIELD, Mass., Aug. 1. - Miss Jane Clemens, daughter of Mark Twain, while riding horseback late Saturday evening with Rodman Gilder, son of Richard Watson Gilder, of New York, met with a bad accident, from which she escaped with a sprained ankle and a bruised shoulder and side.

A trolley car approached the riders at a dark part of the highway and Miss Clemens's Italian saddle horse bolted upon the track. The car struckthe horse full in the side and threw Miss Clemens some distance. The horse was dragged for fifty feet and killed.

Miss Clemens was assisted on the car and taken to Lee, where her injuries were treated. There she gave her name as Miss Julia Langdon, which was the maiden name of her deceased mother. Mr. Gilder gave his name as Joseph Drake.

The identity of Miss Clemens became known this afternoon. She is not badly hurt. The horse had lately been brought from Italy.

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