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The New York Times, April 21, 1902

Blind Deaf-Mute and the Writer Guests of Laurence Hutton.

Special to The New York Times.

PRINCETON, N.J., April 20. - Samuel L. Clemens and Miss Helen Keller, the deaf and blind girl, who is at present writing her own biography, were the guests of Laurence Hutton at Peep o' Day, his resident on Mercer Heights, near this city, last evening and to-day. The other guests of the evening were the members of the Monday Night Club of the university.

Miss Keller surprised all by the readiness of her powers, and by means of her touch seemed to enjoy thoroughly the talk by Mr. Clemens which followed. Mr. Clemens spoke particularly on the position which the Administration has taken on the Philippine question. He condemned very strongly the action in this line and the stand which has been taken throughout.

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