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The New York Times, October 18, 1900

Mark Twain Closes the Benefit - Net Receipts Estimated at $25,000

The bazaar for the benefit of the homeless Galveston orphans, which began Monday night in the Waldorf-Astoria, was closed last night by Mark Twain. The attendance was the largest of the three evenings. Mr. Clemens, in closing the bazaar, spoke for about ten minutes.

Some of the people present were Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, Mrs. George J. Gould, Mrs. Joseph H. Choate, Mrs. C. H. Postley, Mrs. W. D. Dinsmore, Mrs. Walter Peckham, Mrs. Clarence A. Henriques, Miss Helen M. Gould, Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mrs. Hermann Oelrichs, Mrs. Sidney J. Smith, Mrs. Edwin R. Ladew, Mrs. H. McK. Twombly, Mrs. Richard Delafield, Mrs. H. F. Dimmock, Mrs. Seth Low, Mrs. Edwin Gould, and Mrs. Timothy L. Woodruff.

The management of the bazaar estimated the net receipts for the three nights at between $25,000 and $30,000. It will be some days before the exact amount can be learned. Until the accounts are closed an office will be maintained in the Waldorf-Astoria.

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