Mark Twain on the Two Wars.
From The Critic.
The following letter was read at the recent Decoration Day banquet, held at the Hotel Continental, Paris:
Vienna, May 26, 1898.
Dear Sir: I thank you very much for your invitation, and I would accept it if I were foot-free. For I should value the privilege of helping you do honor to the men who re-welded our broken Union and consecrated their great work with their lives, and also I should like to be there to do homage to our soldiers and sailors of to-day who are enlisted for another most righteous war, and utter the hope that they may make short and decisive work of it, and leave Cuba free and fed when they face for home again. And finally I should like to be present and see you interweave those two flags which, more than any others, stand for freedom and progress in the earth--flags which represent two kindred nations, each great and strong by itself, competent sureties for the peace of the world when they stand together. Truly yours.
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