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The New York Times, August 23, 1896

Mrs. Clemens Faints When the News is Broken to Her.

Among the passengers who arrived yesterday on the American Line Steamship Paris were the wife and daughter of Samuel L. Clemens, (Mark Twain,) whose eldest daughter, Olivia Susan Clemens, died on Tuesday night last, at the home in Hartford, Conn.

Mr. Clemens, who was expected also, had started with his wife and Miss Clara, the second daughter, when news of their eldest daughter's illness reached them, but was detained on business at the last moment n Southampton. He, therefore, was advised of the death by cable while Mrs. Clemens and the sister were on the ocean.

They were notified by Dr. Rice, a friend of family, who boarded the Paris at Quarantine. The mother was prostrated and swooned when the news was conveyed to her.

A carriage awaited the party at the pier, and they went directly to the Grand Central Station.

Mr. Clemens sailed from Southampton yesterday for New York.

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