From the Pall Mall Gazette.
Until some aggrieved author assassinates the President of the United States so long will the brains of the English author be stolen and served up as cheap plats by the pirate publishers of America. Messrs. Chatto and Windus publish some of Bret Harte's books, Artemus Ward's, and Mark Twain's. As might be expected, there is little sale for Artemus. Bret Harte is popular, but Mark Twain makes a really handsome income by his books, which are, of course, copyright. Messrs. Chatto and Windus are Mr. Clement's [sic] English publishers. His books, I should say, are 11 in number, published at prices varying from 7s. 6d. to 2s. The following are the payments made to him in royalties: [in pounds] 1,281, 1,522, 610, 904, 356, 979, 471, 70, 162, 398, 960; total 7,713 or an annual income of over 1,000. Verbum sap.
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