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The New York Times, April 10, 1885


PHILADELPHIA, April 9.--The benefit performance of the Actors' Fund of America drew a large audience at the Academy of Music this afternoon. Most of those who took part in the performance came from New York in a special car. Harry Miner, the President of the Actors' Fund; J. W. Ryckman, Secretary; Col. Sinn, of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, and John Poole of Niblo's, were with the party. There were nearly 50 ladies and gentlemen. Several members of the Reception Committee met them at Trenton and returned with them to this city. The performance began with an overture by the combined orchestras of the Philadelphia, under the direction of Simon Hassler. James H. Heverin then delivered an address. The Madison Square company gave the first act of "The Private Secretary," McCaull's Opera Company the second act of "Apajune," and Joseph Murphy and Ella Baker appeared in the second act of "Shaun Rhue." Mark Twain recited "The Tragic Tale of the Fishwife," Pauline Hall sang a solo, "Prof." Kellar gave on of his "cabinet" performances, Will S. Rising sang a Neapolitan song, the orchestra, conducted by Harry Saxton, played an overture, and the Selbino trio displayed their skill on the bicycle. President Miner stated that the receipts of the performance would be about $3,400.

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