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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, October 9, 1864


A case of the most infernal description of miscegenation has come to light in this city - a mixture of white and Chinese. A Chinaman married a white woman in New York ten years ago, has had children by her, and has been living with her here in Sacramento street. Latterly, for some cause or other, he has become abusive toward her, and has several times beaten her. Finally, influenced by white friends, and by another beating at the hands of her pagan husband, on Thursday evening she left him, and applied to Chief Burke for protection, bringing two mixed children with her. A Special Officer tried to rescue her from this last assault, and succeeded in diverting the bulk of it to himself, receiving several powerful blows to his share, and giving several in return; the main Chinaman escaped from him, but he captured an accessory and brought him to the station-house. Officer Evatt accompanied the woman back to the place to protect her while she got possession of her clothing, and she is now living with some friends in Hinckley street. She is quite handsome, and of prepossessing appearance and address; one of her children is a very pretty little girl; she has had four children by her Chinaman. Late last evening, news came that the husband had been captured and confined by the mate of the ship Smyrniote, for stealing, and Officer Evatt went down to take charge of him.

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