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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 29, 1864


The inmates of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, to the number of about three dozen, visited the Fair yesterday, in company with their Teachers, and kept up an unceasing and extraordinarily animated conversation about its wonders until their arms and fingers were utterly fagged out with talking. Poor fellows; we could not help thinking what a great advantage they have over ordinary people, for you might remove their tongues and break one of their arms, and they would go on talking with the other all the same. These pupils talk with incredible rapidity, and their hands, bodies, and the muscles of their expressive faces are never at rest. They are always listening with their watchful, restless eyes, and no movement escapes them. The pupils of the Public School at the corner of Fifth and Market streets also attended the Fair yesterday, in a crowd numbering between five and six hundred.

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