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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 21, 1864


Two Chinamen got into a dispute early yesterday morning in a butcher shop, in Washington Alley, when one of them seized a pork cleaver and aimed four murderous blows at the other's head; the latter removed his head from the line of attack, and received the blows on his arm, hand and side. His arm got two deep gashes, his side a slight scratch, and his right hand was cut nearly in half, the blade striking a straight line across it a little below the base of the fingers. At this point the wounded man seized a knife and plunged it into his assailant's side, and withdrew from the contest, leav ing him dangerously scared and fee ble, but not fatally injured. He considered that he withdrew from the contest with credit to his share in the transaction; he evidently prided himself upon the fine judgment and spirit of moderation he had shown under circumstances where the for getting of such virtues for a moment or two might be naturally regarded as excusable. Holding a stick in his mutilated left hand, he designated upon it with his thumb nail a point two inches and a half from the end of the stick, saying, "Only so how - not too litty, not too much !" Only an elaborate experience and the spirit of the true artist could have enabled this bland Chinaman to cypher down to a fraction the just amount of stabbing necessary to square accounts with his adversary without overdoing the thing or falling short of it. Officer James Conway arrested the mathematical Chinaman and jammed him into the station-house.

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