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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 16, 1864


We gather the following facts concerning this sad event from Chief Burke: At eight o'clock yesterday morning, the daily papers, as usual, were taken to the Doctor before he had risen from bed. After the lapse of half an hour, he was found lying in an insensible condition from the effects of a heavy dose of morphine, which he had swallowed. He had been reading, apparently; the Alta, with his spectacles: lying upon it, was on the bed. Antidotes were administered, and the stomach pump applied, and he rallied enough to show by the intelligence in his eyes that he recognized the persons who stood about him, but he was speechless. In spite of all efforts to expel the poison from his system and annul its effects, he gradually sank until a few minutes past one o'clock in the afternoon, when he died. Ever since his removal from the position of Resident Physician of the County Hospital, by the Board of Supervisors, on last Monday week, Dr. Raymond had been in a state of great mental depression and unhappiness, and during the three days preceding his death he had several times expressed fears that he was going to commit suicide. He told Dr. Nuttall that he was "possessed of a suicidal devil," and gave that gentleman his knife because of a desire he felt to use it upon himself. He refused the Doctor's request that he would remain with him at his house, however. Dr. Raymond also mentioned this yearning to commit suicide to Mr. Pond, at the Hospital, and said, "Keep an eye on me." Dr. Raymond occupied the post of Resident Physician of the City and County Hospital during the past six or seven years; he came here from St. Louis, about ten years ago, and those who knew him best speak highly of his character. He was about fifty years of age.

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