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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 10, 1864


The soldier boys, Perry and Rines, in charge of the Sanitary Cheese and Silver Bar, at the Mechanics' Fair, have been presented with several curiosities, which they have added to the greater attractions in their pagoda. One is an ancient tea pot, two hundred, or two thousand years old, or along there, somewhere - at any rate, it is very old - which was given to the boys by a lady in whose family it had been preserved for several generations. Another is a wine-glass which was taken from one of the ships in Boston harbor just after our exasperated forefathers had thrown her cargo of tea overboard. The young lady who presented this relic, received it from her grandfather, who took it from the vessel with his own hands. And still another is an old half dollar, made in the second die ever cast in America. It was presented to Rines, and he has given it to the Sanitary Fund, and has it on exhibition. It is worth twenty-five cents to see the Sanitary cheese and the other curiosities, but it is worth double the money to hear the orator, Rines, deliver his spirited and entertaining discourse concerning them. The man who exhibits the lions and tigers in the menagerie isn't a circumstance to him. We could print an extract or so from his speech, but we do not think it would be exactly fair to spoil its attractiveness in this way. Go and hear it yourself. A lady gave a dollar, a day or two ago, for the privilege of lifting the silver bar, but she miscalculated her strength somewhat, and failed to carry out her design. The bar weighs nearly two hundred pounds, and her lifting capacity wouldn't reach. The privilege is still open, however, to others of the sex.

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