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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, September 1, 1864


MR. MASSETT'S LECTURE - "DRIFTING ABOUT." - The printer having by mistake announced in the big bills the entertainment of Mr. Massett for last night, this is to say that to-night is the occasion when he will drift before his audience, spread his sail to the popular breeze, and make the waves ripple with prose, poetry, humor and song, imitation, incident and story. There is enough of variety to please the most exacting, fun enough for the most funny, humor for the gay, pathos for the serious, and whims for the eccentric. He will do a greater variety of things than any other man ever attempted be fore an audience in one night, and brevity will be united with the variety. As the entertainment is announced as for "one night only," those who would hear and see Massett, should go to-night.

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