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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 24, 1864


George Johnson yesterday had his room-mate, M. Fink, arrested for stealing one hundred and fourteen dollars from him. Johnson says Fink is an old friend of his, and came to him three months ago and said he had no money, could get no work to do, and had no place to sleep; he had previously been tending bar at the Mazurka Saloon. Johnson has shared his bed with him, and paid his washing and board bills from that time until a few weeks ago, when the fellow got a situation of some kind on one of the steamers. He still continued to share Johnson's room, in the Wells Building, corner of Clay and Montgomery streets, however, when in port. Johnson left him in bed yesterday morning, early, and when he returned, he missed his money and his friend - the former from the bureau drawer and the latter from the bed. We consider that this only confirms what we have always said - namely, that the heart of man is desperately wicked.

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