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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 23, 1864



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An order to purchase one thousand dollars worth of blank cartridges, to be divided between the four regiments, was attempted to be reduced to four hundred dollars -- lost -- and a motion to pass it to print in its original form was also lost. This may be presumed to settle the question of blank cartridges finally. The appropriation would have to come from the "Imminent Necessity Fund," and as present that fund is in imminent danger of starvation -- or, in strong Saxon, it is busted.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 3.]


SENTENCED YESTERDAY. -- Judge Shepheard put a number of his constituents through, yesterday, in this wise, to wit: Joseph Atkinson, for committing an assault and battery, was fined $30; John Greavy, for the same offence, was ordered to pay fine of $20, or go to jail ten days; George Oliffen, for shamefully beating a woman, fined $75, or jail twenty-five days; Mary Morris, for throwing half a glass of water on an abusive fellow, who wouldn't get out of her house when she wanted him to, fined $5; Ah Wong, petty larceny, fined $100 or jail fifty days; Ah Hang, same $100, or jail fifty days; John Makare, same, $100, or jail forty days.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 3.]

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