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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 3, 1864


RUNAWAY. -- Yesterday afternoon a pair of sprightly horses came tearing up California street, with one of Bowen Brothers' fancy grocery wagons at their heels, and pitched head foremost into the horeses attached to the street-car which was standing idle at the intersection of Montgomery and California streets at the time.So strong was the concussion, that about seven feet of the tongue of the car was snapped off like a pipe-stem, and a foot or so of the tongue of the grocery wagon was also broken off, after being driven clear through the iron dashboard behind which the car driver stands. One of the grocery horses had his lip cut through and one of his legs hurt a little, but he did not get his neck broke, which he ought to. Or, perhaps he was not wholly to blame for running off, as he could not have had the opportunity if he had been properly hitched. Just such infernal carelessness with horses is going to result in somebody's being run over and the life jammed out of him some of these days, and the driver concerned will come to grief in consequence. These runaways occur about three times a day, here.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 1.]


WISE ORDER. -- An article in the Flag yesterday morning, thus headed, stated a fact which was not all a fact. It is a fact that heretofore the arms of the city militia companies have been kept at the several armories, and that they have been ordered to take these arms to their respective homes with them hereafter, at the conclusion of the drill practice. But the statement that General McDowell had issued that order was incorrect; it emanted from the proper source, the same being Governor Low, Commander-in-Chief of the militia. Of course General McDowell will not interfere with the Governor's business, or with anybody's else, for that matter, except candidates for Alcatraz. The surplus arms are to be boxed up now, and taken care of by the proper officers.

[This item was not identified in Edgar Branch's list. Transcribed from microfilm, p. 1.]


A BLACK BLACKGUARD PUNISHED. -- Jos. Lewis, the negro who was on Monday convicted in the Police Court of making indecent exhibitions of his person to a little girl, on Union street, was yesterday sent to the County Jail for six months. This was the extent of the Police Judge's power to inflict punishment under the law. Judge Shepheard would doubtless have given him more if he could have done it.

[This item was not identified in Edgar Branch's list. Transcribed from microfilm, p. 2.]


OUT OF THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE. -- The treasure of the sunken wreck of the steamer Golden Gate, having been rescued from its watery vaults is now thoroughly invested with the webs of the law, where it will reamin until a day of judgment and then one of the litigating parties, or their heirs and assigns for ever and ever, away down somewhere in posterity, will get what there will remain of it perhaps. Yesterday an order was entered in the suit of Harry W. Taylor and others, in the U. S. District Court, extending time to take testimony, fifteen days.

[transcribed from microfilm, p. 2.]

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