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The San Francisco Daily Morning Call, August 3, 1864


"How's stocks this morning?" "Movement in 'Buckeye.' " This little characteristic salutation, a few days since, prefaced a breach of the peace on Montgomery street, thus: Mr. Green, who is learned in the matter of stocks, was authorized to purchase fifty shares of "Buckeye" at four dollars and a half. Mr. Jazinski, also talented in the same line, had a quantity for sale at five dollars, the same having previously been purchased by his principal at twenty-one dollars, showing conclusively that stocks are sometimes up and at other times very much down. Mr. G., the author of the second remark in the above brief dialogue, said he would see whether his principal would give five dollars, and departed for that purpose. Mr. J. waited expectantly for a long time, say a matter of several hours, but in the interval saw G. a number of times and was by him informed that the person who wanted the stock was for the time being distinctly invisible to the naked eye. During this invisibility, "Buckeye" depreciates, and the seller becoming impatient, at last insists that Mr. Green should take the stock at five dollars, himself, without reference to his principal, laying down the proposition that the latter gentleman had inaugurated the transaction in the character of principal himself, and that he held him for it. Mr. Green took issue on this point, and declared that there had been no purchase. Mr. J. said there had - Mr. G. said there hadn't. The mutual contradiction grew positive, with expletives and profane adjectives, amounting to a mutual impeachment of veracity, upon which Mr. Green smote the countenance of the other broker, thereby breaking up the negotiations and breaking the peace at the same time. A blow at sea may be a breeze, a gale or a tempest, but a blow on land is very likely to be an assault and battery. Of this latter kind was the blow given by Mr. Green, and in consequence thereof he was yesterday ordered by Judge Shepheard to appear this morning for sentence.

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