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Territorial Enterprise, February 1864



CARSON, February 18, 1864


Mr. Calder, according to previous notice, moved a reconsideration of the vote of yesterday, by which the Capital bill passed. He said his objections had been removed by the bond submitted by Mr. Stewart.

Mr. Clagett spoke at some length on the subject, in demonstration of the fact that a bond could not be drawn under such circumstances that would be valid and binding.

Mr. Brumfield replied rather warmly. In reply to the old argument about newspaper criticism which could be brought to bear on the Legislature if the Capital were in Virginia, he was especially bitter on the Bulletin - said he supposed it would be the favorite - that paper which was to have been teeming with mining taxation articles to-day, but was silent - had been purchased again, doubtless. As for the advantage a community might derive from the presence of the Capital, he couldn't appreciate the proposition; he didn't want the Capital at Virginia; he was going there to live, and he didn't want to be bothered with it. As to buying the Capital with the bond now before the House, neither Ormsby county nor the Legislature had a right to buy and sell the Capital.

After some further debate, Mr. Gillespie moved the previous question, which motion prevailed, and discussion was blockaded.

The motion to reconsider was then put and lost [! - REP.] by the following tie vote [clinching the thing as far as the House is concerned].

AYES - Messrs. Brumfield, Dean, Dixson, Fisher, Gove, Hess, Hunter, Jones, Phillips, Stewart and Trask - 1l

NOES - Messrs. Calder, Clagett, Curler, Elliott, Gillespie, Heaton, McDonald, Nelson, Tennant, Ungar and Mr. Speaker - 11.

ABSENT - Mr. Requa - don't know whether he dodged or not.


After the above bully proceedings, and on motion of Mr. McDonald, the House took a recess until 2:30 P.M.

Thursday Afternoon

The Sergeant-at-Arms brought in Messrs. Dean, Phillips, Tennant, Jones, Gillespie and Ungar.

Mr. Dean had been talking over family matters. Mr. Phillips had been engineering a lawsuit. Mr. Tennant had been on committee business. Messrs. Jones and Gillespie were playing billiards, and Mr. Ungar's child was sick and he had been playing marbles with her.

Mr. Brumfield moved that Mr. Ungar be granted leave of absence to continue playing marbles with her. [Laughter.]

A motion to fine Mr. Gillespie a box of cigars for engaging in the unholy practice of playing billiards, was lost by a tie vote 10 to 10 [notwithstanding that youth has a remittance at Wells, Fargo's from his creditors in Virginia, and which he denied the same. - MARK. ]

The absentees were all excused.

[reprinted in Mark Twain of the Enterprise, edited by Henry Nash Smith, (Univ. of California Press, 1957), pp. 172-73.]

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