VIRGINIA CITY, August 28-1:40 P.M.-Fire broke out in a wood-pile at the back of Pat Lynch's building, between Union and Sutton Avenue, at half-past eleven o'clock to-day. The fire extended from Lynch's, at the south of Taylor street, to the new Court House; thence up the hill, to Summit street; southerly to Taylor and South, burning some seventy residences and frame buildings. The fire is still raging, but will probably be kept from the business portion of the city. It is impossible to give particulars before night.
VIRGINIA CITY, August 28 -10 P. M. Four blocks, frame buildings, burned to-day, between B and Howard streets and Taylor and Sutton Avenue - loss, three hundred thousand dollars.
A riot afterwards occurred between No. 1 and No. 2 engine companies; probably fifteen men slightly hurt, and half a dozen badly. John Cullen, of No. 2, shot Edward Richardson, a miner, through the lungs, killing him instantly. Cullen is under arrest. A. and L. A. Vorbe, arrested as incendiaries, were let out on five thousand dollars bail. All stores and liquor shops have been closed by order of the City Marshal. A dozen special Deputy Sheriffs have been appointed for to-night. All quiet at present.
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