A History of and Guide to
"Whenever a Uniform and a De Luxe can be marketed,
that's the time to do it; a delay of a year can be fatal, for a literary
reputation is a most frail thing -- any trifling accident can kill it; and
its market along with it."
- Samuel Clemens to Henry H. Rogers, 31 May 1898

Table of Contents
Part One: Uniform Editions (1891-1920)
Chapter 1 - Early Attempts at
- Definition of a Uniform Edition
- A Rival Achieves the Distinction First
- Mark Twain's Early Publishers: Bliss and Osgood
- Mark Twain, Webster and Company and A Library of American Literature
- Uniform Ideas: 1891-1893
Chapter 2 - Henry H. Rogers Takes Control
- Library of American Literature Sold to Benjamin
- Bankruptcy and Copyrights
- Contract Negotiations
- New Editions Bring New Reviews
Chapter 3 - American Publishing Company Gets
a Contract
- Francis Edward Bliss
- Bliss Explains His Plan
- End of Bankruptcy
- Clemens Wants a British Edition Added to the Plan
- Clemens Agonizes Over an Introduction and His Biographical Sketch
- Forecast of Things to Come
Chapter 4 - 1899 - 1901: Eight American Publishing
Company Editions and One New Harper Series
- Reconstructing the Publishing Records
- American Publishing Company Editions
- American Publishing Company / R. G. Newbegin Editions
- Meanwhile ... Harper and Brothers Company Reorganizes
- Colonel Harvey Adds Another Edition
Chapter 5 - Advertising Wars (1901 - 02)
- A Subtle War of Words
- Mr. Underwood's Request
- Cold-blooded Rascality
- Newbegin Continues His Campaign
Chapter 6 - "Blood in their Eyes"
- New Material Controlled by Harper and Brothers
- New Contract Discussions
- American Publishing Company Adds the Hillcrest Edition
- "I wish all publishers were in hell"
- Frank Bliss's Personal Notebook - August 1903
A Resolution
- Contracts of October 1903
- Deaths of Frank and Walter Bliss
Chapter 7 - Mark Twain's Final Years (1904
- 1910) and a New Decade of Books
- More Stories and More Volumes
- Another Offer from Collier and Harper's Response
Chapter 8 - Harper and Brothers and the Mark
Twain Ads (1909 - 1921)
- Harvey Out and Brainard In
- Key to Harper's Printing Codes
- Early Career of Helen Rosen Woodward
- Woodward's Ad Campaigns for Mark Twain's Uniform Editions
- Sales and More Options
Part Two: The First 25 Volumes (1899 - 1920)
Chapter 9 - Brief Overview of
Volumes 1 and 2: The Innocents Abroad
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Peter S. Newell, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volumes 1 and 2
Chapter 10 - Brief Overview of Volumes 3 and
4: A Tramp Abroad
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Thure de Thulstrup, Illustrator
- "Titian's Moses" - Retained and Relocated
- The Lorelei
- Some of Mark Twain's Own Illustrations Retained
- Illustration List for Volumes 3 and 4
Chapter 11 - Brief Overview of Volumes 5 and
6: Following the Equator
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- The Illustrators
- Daniel Carter Beard
- Benjamin West Clinedinst
- Frederick Dielman
- Thomas Fogarty
- Arthur Burdett Frost
- Charles Allan Gilbert
- Illustration List for Volumes 5 and 6
Chapter 12 - Brief Overview of Volumes 7 and
8: Roughing It
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Benjamin West Clinedinst, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volumes 7 and 8
Chapter 13 - Brief Overview of Volume 9: Life
on the Mississippi
- History of the 1883 First Edition
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Edmund Henry Garrett, Illustrator
Illustration List for Volume 9
Chapter 14 - Brief Overview of Volumes 10
and 11: The Gilded Age
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work and Scattering the Manuscript
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- William Thomas Smedley, Illustrator
- Illustration Lists for Volume 10 and 11
W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
John George Brown, Illustrator
Illustration List for Volume 12
Chapter 16 - Brief Overview of Volume 13:
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
- Early Editions
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Edward Windsor Kemble, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 13
Chapter 17 - Brief Overview of Volume 14:
Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins
- Composition and First Publication
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frontispiece Portrait by Charles Noel Flagg
- Edward Windsor Kemble, Illustrator
- Frank M. Senior,
- Illustration List for Volume 14
Chapter 18 - Brief Overview of Volume 15:
The Prince and the Pauper
- History of the 1881 First Edition
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frank Thayer Merrill, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 15
Chapter 19 - Brief Overview of Volume 16:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
- History of the 1889 First Edition
- Daniel Carter Beard, Illustrator
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Dan Beard Refines His Illustrations and Leaves a Message in the Curtains
- Clemens's Regard for Dan Beard's Work
- Illustration List for Volume 16
Chapter 20 - Brief Overview of Volumes 17
and 18: Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc
- History of the First Publication - 1895-96
- Frank Vincent Du Mond, Illustrator
- Dividing the Work
- Refining the Work
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Clemens's Regard for Frank Du Mond's Work
- Illustration List for Volumes 17 and 18
Chapter 21 - Brief Overview of Volume 19:
Sketches, New and Old
- First Publications
- Refining the Work
- Different Titles on the Spines
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frederick Burr Opper, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 19
Chapter 22 - Brief Overview of Volume 20:
Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom Sawyer Detective and Other Stories, Etc., Etc.
- First Publications
- Refining the Work
- Different Titles on the Spines
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- The Illustrators
- Daniel Carter Beard
- Arthur Burdett Frost
- Mark Twain's Illustration - Map of Paris
- Illustration List for Volume 20
Chapter 23 - Brief Overview of Volume 21:
The American Claimant and Other Stories and Sketches
- First Publications
- Refining the Work
- Different Titles on the Spines
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- James Allen St. John, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 21
- Harper and Brothers Revises the Contents
Chapter 24 - Brief Overview of Volume 22:
How to Tell a Story and Other Essays (1900) Retitled Literary Essays
- First Publications
- Compiling Volume 22
- Refining the Work
- Different Title on the Spine
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frontispiece by Elson of Boston
- Charles Dater Weldon, Illustrator
- Peter Newell, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 22
- Harper and Brothers Revises the Contents
Chapter 25 - Brief Overview of Volume 23:
My Début as a Literary Person and Other Essays and Stories (1903)
Retitled The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Essays and Stories
- Compiling Volume 23
- Refining the Work
- Different Title on the Spine
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frontispiece
- Francis Luis Mora, Illustrator
- Illustration List for Volume 23
- Harper and Brothers Revises the Title and Contents
Chapter 26 - Brief Overview of Volume 24:
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories
- Compiling Volume 24
- Refining the Work
- Accommodation Statement
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frontispiece
- Illustrators
- William Thomas Smedley
- Albert Levering
- Henry Louis Stephens
- Lester Ralph
- Mark Twain
- Illustration List for Volume 24
- Harper and Brothers Revises the Contents
Chapter 27 - Brief Overview of Volume 25:
Christian Science with Notes Containing Corrections to Date
- First publications
- Refining the Work
- Accommodation Statement
- W. H. W. Bicknell's Contributions
- Frontispiece
- Illustrations
- Illustration List for Volume 25
- The End of One Line
Part Three: Uniform Editions After 1920
Chapter 28 - P. F. Collier and Son Editions
- Background of the Collier Company
- The Company After the Collier Deaths
- Harper and Brothers Sell Their Subscription Business
- P. F. Collier and Son Author's National Edition (1921 - 1928)
- Collier Sells Rights to Gabriel Wells
- Collier Renumbers the Volumes
- Summary of Features of P. F. Collier and Son Author's National Edition
- Collier Authorized Editions and 10-Volume Sets
Chapter 29 - Gabriel Wells Definitive Edition
(1922 - 1925)
- Background of Gabriel Wells
- A Reputation Built on the Bible
- Wells and the 1899 Editions of Mark Twain's Works
- Harper and Brothers and Collier and Son Sells Rights to Gabriel Wells
- Gabriel Wells Advertising and Lack Thereof
- Features of the Gabriel Wells Definitive Edition
- Ranking the Gabriel Wells Definitive Edition Against the 1899 American Publishing
Company Autograph Edition
- Summary of Features of Gabriel Wells Definitive Edition
- The Volumes and Their Contributors
- Volumes 1 and 2:
The Innocents Abroad. Appreciation by Edward
Verrall Lucas and Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 3 and 4:
Roughing It. Appreciation by Hamlin Garland and Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 5 and 6: The Gilded
Age. By Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner. Appreciation by
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 7: Sketches New and
Old. - Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 8: The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer. Appreciation by Booth Tarkington and Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 9 and 10: A
Tramp Abroad - Appreciation by Hugh Walpole and Introduction by
Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 11: The Prince and
the Pauper - Appreciation by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 12: Life on the Mississippi
- Appreciation by Meredith Nicholson and Introduction by Albert Bigelow
- Volume 13: Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn - Appreciation by William Allen White and Introduction by
Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 14: A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Appreciation by Stephen Leacock
and Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 15: The American
Claimant, and Other Stories and Sketches - Introduction by Albert
Bigelow Paine
- Volume 16: Pudd'head
Wilson; and, Those Extraordinary Twins - Appreciation by Gilbert
K. Chesterton and Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 17 and 18: Personal
Recollections of Joan of Arc - Appreciation by Henry Van Dyke
and Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 19: Tom Sawyer
Abroad, Tom Sawyer, Detective, and Other Stories, Etc., Etc. -
Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 20 and 21: Following
the Equator - Appreciation by William McFee and Introduction by
Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 22: Literary
Essays - Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 23: The Man
That Corrupted Hadleyburg, and Other Essays and Stories - Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 24: The $30,000
Bequest and Other Stories - Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 25: Christian
Science with Notes Containing Corrections to Date
- Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 26: What is
man? and Other Essays - Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 27: The Mysterious
Stranger, and Other Stories - Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 28: Mark Twain's
Speeches - Appreciation by William Dean Howells and Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volume 29: Europe and
Elsewhere - Appreciation by Brander Matthews and Introduction
by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 30, 31, 32 and 33:
Mark Twain: A Biography by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 34 and 35: Mark
Twain's Letters - Arranged with comment by Albert Bigelow Paine
- Volumes 36 and 37: Mark
Twain's Autobiography.- Introduction by Albert Bigelow Paine
Chapter 30 - Harper and Brothers Mississippi
Edition (1923 - 1929)
- History and Description of the Mississippi Edition
- The Illustrations
- Ranking the Harper and Brothers Mississippi Edition Against the Gabriel
Wells Definitive Edition
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Mississippi Edition
Chapter 31 - Harper and Brothers Stormfield
Edition (1929)
- History and Description of the Stormfield Edition
- The Illustrations
- Ranking the Harper and Brothers Stormfield Edition Against the Gabriel Wells
Definitive Edition
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Stormfield Edition
Chapter 32 - Harper and Brothers Memorial
Edition (1929)
- History and Description of the Memorial Edition
- The Manuscript Pages
- The Illustrations
- Ranking the Harper and Brothers Memorial Edition Against the Gabriel Wells
Definitive Edition
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Memorial Edition
Chapter 33 - Harper and Brothers Pictorial
Hardcover or Gift Editions (1916 - 1935)
- History and Description of the Gift Editions
- The Volumes and the Artists
- The Mysterious Stranger: A Romance (1916) with Illustrations
by Newell Convers Wyeth
- The Prince and the Pauper (1917) with Illustrations by Franklin
- Saint Joan of Arc (1919) with Illustrations by Howard Pyle and
Wilfred John Jones
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1920) with Illustrations by Worth
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1923) with Illustrations
by Worth Brehm
- The Prince and the Pauper (1924) with Illustrations by William
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1925) with Illustrations
by Henry Clarence Pitz and Eugene M. Frandzen
- Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc (1926) with Illustrations
by Geroge Berthon Cutts
- Life on the Mississippi (1927) with Illustrations by Frank Earle
Schoonover and Walter Stewart
- Slovenly Peter (1935) with Illustrations by Fritz Kredel
- History Behind Clemens's Translation of Der Struwwelpeter
- How Mark Twain's Translation Was Different
- Publication of Mark Twain's Slovenly Peter in 1935
- Illustrator Fritz Kredel
- Contents of Slovenly Peter
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Pictorial Hardcover or Gift
Chapter 34 - Harper and Brothers Authorized
Edition and American Artists Edition (1937 - 1939)
- History and Description of the Authorized Edition and American Artists Edition
- How the New York Post Started the Mark Twain Continuity Program
- Stevenson Expands the Book Promotions
- The Volumes and the Artists
- Comparing the Volumes in the Two Editions
- Set Decoration in Elmer Gantry
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Authorized Edition and American
Artists Edition
Chapter 35 - Harper and Brothers Uniform
Trade Edition (post 1923 - 1960s)
- History and Description
- Harper Merges with Row
- How Harper's Marketing Decisions Impacted Mark Twain Studies
- Summary of Features of the Harper and Brothers Uniform Trade Edition
Chapter 36 - Greystone Definitive Edition
(1967 - 1968)
- History and Description
- Racial Tensions of the 1960s and the End Papers
- How the Sales Fared
- Summary of Features of the Greystone Definitive Edition
Chapter 37 - Iowa-California
Works Edition (1972 - 1988) and California Works Editions (1993 - ongoing)
- Early History
- The Original Editors
- Years of Struggle and Controversy
- Parallel Projects
- National Endowment for the Humanities and Competition for Funding
- Progress in California
- Caught Up in Edmund Wilson's Crosshairs
- The Outcome
- The Iowa-California Works Volumes
- Volume 2 - Roughing It - 1972 Edition
- Volume 2 - Roughing It - 1993 Revised California Edition
- Volume 19 - What Is Man? and Other Philosophical Writings - 1973
- Volume 9 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - 1979
- Volume 6 - The Prince and the Pauper - 1979
- Volume 15 - Early Tales & Sketches, Volume 1, 1851-1864 -
- Volume 4 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Tom Sawyer Abroad / Tom
Sawyer, Detective - 1980
- Volume 15 - Early Tales & Sketches, Volume 2, 1864-1865 -
- Volume 8 - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 1988 Edition
- Volume 8 - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 2003 Revised California
- Volumes Published Elsewhere
- Mark Twain Speaking (1976)
- Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins (1980, 2005)
- The Bible According to Mark Twain (1995)
- Why the Iowa-California Works Edition Fell Short
- California Works Volumes (1993 - ongoing)
- Volume 2 - Roughing It - 1993 Revised Iowa-California Edition
- Volume 8 - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - 2003 Revised Iowa-California
- Volume 10 - Pudd'nhead Wilson: Manuscript and Revised Versons, with
"Those Extraordinary Twins" (2024)
- Summary of Features
Chapter 38 - Mark Twain Library Edition (1982
- ongoing)
- History
- Mark Twain Library Volumes
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1982)
- Anniversary Edition (2010)
- Tom Sawyer Abroad :: Tom Sawyer Detective (1982)
- No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger (1982)
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1983)
- The Prince and the Pauper (1983)
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1985)
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (2001 Revised Edition)
- Anniversary Edition (2010)
- Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among the Indians and Other Unfinished Stories
- Roughing It (1996)
- Evaluating the Series
- Summary of Features
Chapter 39 - The Oxford Mark Twain (1996,
- History
- Marketing Strategies and Reviews
- Volumes and Contributors
- Summary of Features
Chapter 40 - Easton Press Mark Twain Library
- History Behind Easton Press
- Sales Techniques
- The Mark Twain Volumes and Their Illustrators
- Summary of Features
Chapter 41 - Library of America Mark Twain
Editions (1982 - 2010)
- History Behind the Library of America
- Description of the Volumes
- The Mark Twain Volumes and Their Editors
- The Mark Twain Anthology