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St. Louis, March 5th, 1855.
Business on the levee today was rather brisk, and several boats went out.--Yesterday
and today were as bright and pleasant as any one could wish, and fires were
abolished, I hope for the season.-- The river is on a stand at present, but
not a particle of ice is visible. The James Trabue was lost on the Red River
on the 17th ult.
James Reilly, lately book-keeper at the Democratic office, in
this city, went with a friend to take a buggy ride in Illinois, day before
yesterday, but had not proceeded far on their excursion when they met two
Germans in a wagon, with whom they had a dispute, in the course of which Reilly
shot one of the Germans, wounding him. The two St. Louisans then hastened
back to the ferry landing, for the purpose of escaping to the city, but the
officers of the boat having heard of the transaction, detained them until
they were arrested by a constable. Reilly was drunk at the time of the occurrence.
The examination of witnesses in the O'Blennis murder case will
be concluded to-night. The excitement which this tragedy created has subsided,
but the people are till anxious to know how the trial will terminate -- though,
to tell the truth, few expect justice to be done. I doubt if there are a hundred
people in St. Louis that do not think O'Blennis ought to be hung, and the
number is still less that expect him to be punished at all. Since Jackson
and Ward escaped hanging, people seem to have very little confidence in courts
of justice.
The Hospital returns for the past week number 52; the cemetery
report I have not seen, though I think sickness is on the increase. There
is some small pox in the city, but the number of cases is unimportant. Persons
afflicted with this disease are immediately conveyed to the pest hospital,
and it is thus prevented from spreading.
Jameison, the tragedian, is playing an engagement at the People's
Theatre. He appears as Ingomar to-night. Sol. Smith has purchased Bate's Theatre,
and will open with a new company shortly. The Varieties is idle.
The March term of the Criminal Court opened this morning, with
one hundred and fifty-five cases on docket, but not a single murder in the
list, which is something unusual.
Fourteen convicts were sent off by the Banner State for Jefferson
City, to-day. -- Hyde, the poet, who recently attempted to commit suicide
in jail, could not go, the state of his wound not yet permitting him to travel.
Hemp $95 to $105. Lead $5.50.- Flour ranges from $8 to $9.50. - Wheat, fair
white, from, $1.65 to $1.80; red, from $1.70 to $1.85. Oats 50c. Barley $1.45.
Mesa Pork $12.50. Prime Lard 8c. Hay 85 to 90c per 100 lbs.- Potatoes $2 to
2.25 per bushel. Navy Beans range from $1.50 to $2 per bushel. Eggs (retail)
30c per dozen--other articles in proportion.
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