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Muscatine Tri-Weekly Journal, March 9, 1855

St. Louis, Feb. 24, 1855.

An arrangement has been made by which our California mails will go direct from St. Louis to San Francisco without being overhauled at New-York as has heretofore been the case. By the new plan, considerable delay will be avoided. Hereafter, our California mails will be made up and dispatched eastward on the 15th and last days of each month.

Washington's Birthday passed off rather tamely here, a military parade and a speech or so, making up the transactions of the day.

A heavy Banking House will be opened in St. Louis in a few days, to be called the Missouri Savings Institution, by Messrs. Chouteau, Harrison, Valle, Pratte, Berthoud, Sam Gaty, Giles F. Filley and Chas. S. Kennet -- all gentlemen of high standing and wealth. It is supposed that this Bank will wield a great influence in the commercial affairs of St. Louis.

Messrs. Smith, Kennedy & Co., who were fitting up an extensive clothing and furnishing store on fourth street, were arrested and committed to jail on the 22d, charged by their Philadelphia creditors with obtaining goods under false pretences. The goods were sold at auction on the day following for the benefit of the creditors.

A man was found lying on the side walk in Main street yesterday morning, badly frozen, and apparently in a dying condition. His nose, feet, ears and hands were entirely frozen. He was taken to the Police office, and from thence to the City Hospital. His name could not be ascertained.

It was reported yesterday that a riot was in progress among the laborers on the seventh section of the North Division Railroad, the result of a "strike" for higher wages. A Deputy Sheriff with a posse of policemen was dispatched to the spot to quell the disturbance; but finding that nothing serious had occurred, ten men were left to keep order, and the balance returned to the city.

A panorama of Australia, China, and the Japanese Expedition, is now on exhibition at Wyman's Hall, which far exceeds any thing of the kind in beauty, interest, excellence, and truthfulness to nature, which it has ever been my good fortune to witness. One portion of this painting in particular, (and it was all good) -- a sun-set scene in China -- was enchantingly beautiful: even more so than Muscatine sun-sets in summer. This is a home work. It was commenced, carried through, and finished, in St. Louis, by a St. Louis artist, Mr. Boneau, a worthy follower in the footsteps of Pomarede and Banvard. If ever you have the opportunity, do not fail to visit the panorama.

The negro girl Chloe Ann Harris, who was arrested and brought before the Criminal Court as a runaway slave, some three weeks since, and discharged by that Court, on the ground that the proper forms of law were not carried out in making the arrest, was yesterday taken before the Law Commissioner's Court on a writ of habeas corpus, tried, and again discharged. It was proved beyond a doubt that she was a free girl. She had entered the State without a license, and was passing as a slave to avoid the consequences of this breach of the law. She will doubtless be more careful in the future.

Highly important news was received from New Mexico this morning. The Indians are becoming worse and worse, and seem to have things pretty much their own way on the frontier. Fourteen men were butchered, and a number severely wounded at the Pueblo of Arkansas, and the women and children carried off by the savages. The work was perfect, the whole settlement being broken up and the inhabitants murdered. The Utahs and Apaches, the tribe said to be the perpetrators of this massacre, seem determined upon the destruction of the whites, and unless a check is put upon them soon, terrible consequences will ensue. The people of Texas and New Mexico are greatly alarmed and excited, and a general breaking out of hostilities is anticipated.

Capt. Newell of the First Dragoons fought a band of Muscarilla Apaches at the Sacramento mountains, on the 20th ult. Four white men (Capt. H. W. Stanton and three privates,) and twelve Indians were killed in the skirmish.

General Garland has called into service against the Indians five companies of volunteers, for a term of six months, and has asked Congress to defray the expenses.

Maj. Cunningham, Paymaster at Santa Fe, was attacked in his quarters by robbers, who, after taking from him the key, unlocked the safe and took therefrom $40,000, Government money. A Mr. Chavis was also robbed of $2,000.

Our eastern mails are again delayed, on account of snow on the Chicago route.


Very little produce in market. A little doing in wheat for future delivery. Not much flour in market -- tending upward. It is said $9 were declined for a lot of city extra, to be delivered in thirty days. In bacon and buckwheat small sales are reported; 75 bales good undressed hemp sold at $100; 20 do prime $105 per ton. Galena lead, soft, $5 55, Missouri do, $5 5o. Flour -- sales at $9; $8 refused for city mills superfine; 25 bbls unbranded $7.50. Wheat $1 50a$1.65; corn -- mixed 65; white 70c. Oats 50a60c. Whisky advancing -- no sales. Bacon -- shoulders 5c; ribbed sides 6c; hams 8c per pound. Hogs 4 1-2a5 3-4c. Freights to New Orleans -- flour $7 1-2; pork $1 25; whisky $1 50; corn 60c per sack. Pound freight 45a55. -- Stock $11.


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