[EDITOR'S NOTE: This item has not been previously republished elsewhere. It is included in this collection because of its potential to be the work of Clemens and is deserving of further research and consideration. The correspondent referred to in this item is identified in future items as "Chrystal."]
One "Crystal," of the slumberous village of San Mateo,
who writes better English than the Alta scribes, the same being small
credit to him, since he could not conveniently write worse and live -- is instructing
the lights of that paper in the science of journalism and with their customary
innocence they are swallowing the countryman's vaporings with the most implicit
confidence and good faith. We despise this "Crystal," or any other
imposter who can be heartless enough to take advantage of a harmless, well meaning
paper like the Alta.
[transcribed from microfilm.]